This document provides instructions for patching your Checkbox On-Premise installation to the latest version of Checkbox 7.
If you are looking to upgrade from version 6 to Checkbox 7, please follow the upgrade instructions. If you are installing Checkbox for the first time, please see the installation guide instead.
Important Note: This document applies to version 7.62.0 or later. If you are using an older version, please download a newer version from your customer portal.
Important Note Checkbox 7.60.0 increased the minimum .NET Framework version required from 4.6.1 to 4.7.2. If you are having trouble patching to 7.60.0 or higher, please ensure that you have .NET 4.7.2 installed.
Requirements / Prerequisites
Please review the following BEFORE starting the patch process.
Checkbox 7 On-Premise Installation
The patch process requires a working Checkbox 7 installation.
Valid License File
Obtain a valid Checkbox 7 license file (.lic file). For trial customers, there is a 30 day license included in the trial download. For licensed Checkbox customers, please download a Checkbox 7 license from your customer portal.
Patch Instructions
Step 1. Backup your Checkbox databases.
This is a crucial step. If any errors or issues arise from this upgrade you will need to immediately revert the upgrade.
Backup your Checkbox database using a "Full" SQL backup. If you use a separate database for the Checkbox Messaging Service, you should back this up as well.
Please consult the Microsoft SQL Server documentation or talk to your database or IT administrator to perform this step.
Step 2: Unzip the Checkbox 7 files into a temporary folder
Unzip the files, but do not yet overwrite the files used by your web site or the Checkbox Service.
Step 3: Stop the "Checkbox Service" windows service
This can be found within the Services control panel.
Step 4: Stop IIS service OR the Checkbox web sites
You can either stop IIS on your server or stop the individual Checkbox web sites.
Step 5. Run the Checkbox Installer to update Checkbox
From the Checkbox zip file that you downloaded, run the Checkbox-Installer.exe application.
On the second screen you will be given the choice to choose the components to install.
Then click next and choose the following:
- On the Checkbox 7 Components screen make sure that all options are selected.
- Choose "Patch" for your installation type and press Next
- On the screen to select your Application URLs fill in the same values that you had in the previous version. If you are unsure of these values you can refer to your previous versions api\web.config file
- You will then be prompted to enter the database information for your Checkbox, Messaging, and URL shortening databases If you are unsure what this information should be, edit your production Checkbox.Service.Host.exe.config and look for the section labeled "connectionStrings." The "defaultConnection" is your core Checkbox database and the "MailConnection" is your Messaging database.
- Continue to step through the installer until complete.
(screenshot of Checkbox 7 Components selection screen)
Step 6: Restart IIS / web sites and Start the Checkbox Service
It is now safe to start the Checkbox web sites and to start the Checkbox Service.
Step 7: Test your installation
The installation is complete. Test your installation and contact Checkbox Support if you encounter any issues.
Note: URL Shortener
With release 7.32 of Checkbox we added a new feature called the URL Shortener. This feature was mainly added to support the SMS feature that was added since the long form URLs that Checkbox generates are not great for sending text messages. At the time of the release (7.32.0) the only place the URL Shortener is used is when sending SMS messages from Checkbox.