The Checkbox Service is used to send all system e-mail messages, including survey invitations, email notifications, and other system notices.
If you are experiencing email issues -- or the service isn't starting -- please follow the steps below as it covers common issues. If these do not resolve your issue, please open a support ticket.
Service Fails During Installation
Symptom: Installation hangs on “Attempting to run ‘Checkbox Service’...’Service did not respond to the start request in a timely fashion’”.
Solution: The issue is likely a problem with the location of the license file. Place a valid Checkbox 7 license file in the CheckboxService folder (ensure that whichever user is being used to run the service has read permission on this file) and try to run the installer again.
Service Will Not Start
Symptom: Installation hangs on “Attempting to run ‘Checkbox Service’...’Service did not respond to the start request in a timely fashion’”.
Solution: The issue is likely a problem with the location of the license file. Place a valid Checkbox 7 license file in the CheckboxService folder (ensure that whichever user is being used to run the service has read permission on this file) and try to run the installer again.
Service Does Not Send Messages
Symptom: The Checkbox Service is running, but messages are not sending.
Solution: This is likely an issue with your SMTP credentials (or Amazon SES credentials, if you are using AWS to send your email) specified in Checkbox.Service.Host.exe.config in the CheckboxService folder.
In addition, check if there are any errors in the App_Data\Logs folder (the App_Data folder is a subfolder of the checkbox-service folder).
If you are using Microsoft Exchange You will need credentials that have been given permission to connect with SMTP and to relay email. Unfortunately, Checkbox does not support/assist with configuration your Exchange Server so please contact your IT department.