Announcing the Checkbox 7 Rest API

We are pleased to announce that the Checkbox 7 REST API is ready for testing. The new API will be released alongside Checkbox 7 this December. This more robust and powerful REST API will replace the WCF Web Services API that is currently available with Checkbox 6.


Why the switch?

The REST API should be significantly easier to learn and use than the current API. It will increase security, open up new possibilities for integrations, and generally perform better than the WCF Web Services. Most significantly, it will include many more methods - you will essentially be able to perform any function using the API that you can using the admin interface. This includes creating and editing surveys, importing responses, automating the invitation process, creating and managing contacts, exporting data, and much more.

The REST API will support all languages that the current WCF services supports, along with many more, such as client-side languages like JavaScript. The new API also supports CORS, allowing you to integrate directly into the front-end of other web applications using basic HTTP calls.


Reviewing and Testing the new API

Please visit our new API documentation site here to view the current list of documented and supported methods. Note that this site is a work in progress and is being updated daily.

If you are currently using the version 6 API, we strongly recommend that you take some time to familiarize yourself with the new API and even start updating your code against our test endpoint. If you have not utilized our API in the past, the launch of the new API is a great time to start automating some of your existing tasks in Checkbox.

To gain access to our developer endpoint for Checkbox 7, please submit a support ticket and we will create an account for you and provide all necessary information for you to start coding. Feel free to also contact support if you have any questions regarding the Checkbox 7 API or Checkbox 7 in general.


Switching to the new API

Once your account is upgraded to Checkbox 7, any code that you may have written against the version 6 WCF Web Services API will cease to function. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you take the next couple of months to start reviewing and testing the new API, as outlined above.

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be sending out more information on the roll-out plan for Checkbox 7. Checkbox Professional, Team and Enterprise hosted accounts will be given a choice of upgrade dates to choose from. Checkbox On-Premises customers will be able to upgrade on their own schedule once version 7 is made available. This should give all users ample time to test both the user interface, as well as the API, in order to ensure a smooth upgrade.

Please be on the lookout for additional emails and posts regarding the rollout. As always, feel free to contact support with any questions.

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