Customized Survey Questions

A client has asked for a complex survey process, and I would appreciate some guidance.

We are going to send survey invitations out to a large number of regional directors. As part of the regional survey, the directors will be asked for email addresses of selected employess at two or three selected local offices. The client has selected the local offices already, so ideally these values would be MERGED into separate question asking for each locations email address.

Is something like this possible by using Hidden items? The only alternative I see at this point is to setup the regional directors as users and then use one of the USER ATTRIBUTES as a trigger for conditional questions. This would mean the creation of a very large number of condtional question, and I would like to avoid this if possible. I have read the documentation on HIDDEN ITEMS, but it does not seem like this will do what I need.

Can you offer any guidance?


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    Checkbox Sales

    Answer posted by our support team:

    Let's first discuss what each does: User Attributes & Hidden Items.

    User Attributes: This feature allows you to import or create a user and set values to each. For example you could set Local Office  #1 = Value during the import process. Then during the survey response process you could send an invite to your user, automatically log them in and then pipe in the user attribute into a survey question "What is the status at @@localoffice1?". You are right this does require additional conditions if there are more than one set of offices or some users have more attributes than others.

    Hidden Items: Hidden items allow you to use a third party application or site and pipe values into a survey item. For example if you have a survey URL and then append values to the end of it, the application can pipe and track them. For example if your respondent was at Local Office  #1 and then completed a form on your site that generated a new surveyURL + localoffice1 then that value could be used later in the response process. Once again conditions would have to be used.

    As for what you should do, that's up to you, I always tend to lead towards user attributes as they are stored before the survey is started and can be edited. Hidden items are generated through custom sites/code that you will have to development and is much harder to maintain.

    Please let me know if you have any follow up questions.

    Joshua Pratt 

    Checkbox Support

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