Checkbox Online to be Updated to Version 2015 Q4

The latest Checkbox version, 2015Q4, is scheduled to be released to Checkbox Online (hosted) customers on December 14th starting at 6am EST. Online accounts may experience 15-20 minutes of downtime at this time.

Version 2015 Q4 should be released to Server customers within a couple of days after the Checkbox Online release, barring any major issues.

Below is a complete list of the new features, enhancements and bug fixes you can expect in version 2015 Q4.

If you have any questions or concerns about the release, please contact our Support Team.  

Features & Enhancements:

  • Asynchronous Workflow : This feature dramatically increases performance of the application. While performance will be enhanced for smaller, more compact surveys, the biggest improvement will be felt with larger, more complex surveys. Depending on the size of the survey, the load time of the initial survey page may be decreased by up to 90%.
  •  Javascript Item : The new javascript item allows survey editors to embed Javascript into a survey. There are many possible uses of the Javascript item,  including the ability to embed Analytics Conversion codes, create pop ups, and gain complete control over the look and feel of the survey page by directly accessing the CSS of the survey via Javascript.
  • Google Analytics : You can now add a Google UA code to your survey to track visits, goal completions, any many other stats.
Bug Fixes:
  • Items with invalid HTML should no longer "infinitely load" when editing them
  • Invalid HTML copied from Microsoft Word should not be stripped out when pasting into item editors
  • SPSS keys should no longer cause errors when invalid HTML is detected in the item text
  • Slider items should no longer display the default answer when the question has not been displayed to respondent
  • Points from slider with images and text should now be visible on the response details screen
  • Numeric slider score should now be included in the total matrix score for a matrix item
  • Fixed issues with the recipient list not displaying properly
  • Several workflow related issues
  • When a user account is locked for max failed login attempts, user status no longer shows active
  • Default policy is now properly updated when survey privacy level is changed
  • Special characters no longer break the rendering of the matrix sub header rows
  • Custom text for "None of the above" is now retained when survey is exported
  • HTML Editor fixed to use pixels instead of points
  • Item activation / deactivation has been fixed to save properly
  • Max failed login attempts has been fixed to work properly in all scenarios
  • Several issues related to the ExportResponsesTabular method have been fixed*
  • Several security related issues have been resolved.
  • Corrected an issue which prevented the alias of a matrix row from being updated
*Note: As of the 2015 Q4 release, the ExportResponseTabular method is receiving a signature update. Previous usages of the method will no longer work, and code must be altered to take into account the new signature. ExportResponseTabularScored method will be removed.
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