Important Notice About Internet Explorer 8 Support

IE 8 Unsupported by Microsoft as of April 2014

As many of you probably know, Windows XP will no longer be supported by Microsoft as of April 8, 2014. By extension, IE 8 will also reach the end of its supported life next month. For more information, please see this message from Microsoft.

What Does this Mean for Creating/Editing Surveys in Checkbox?

Since the release of Checkbox 5 in 2011, Checkbox has supported the use of IE 8 for survey creation/editing only with the Google Chrome Frame plugin. With Google ending its Chrome Frame support in January 2014 and Microsoft ending its IE 8 support in April, Checkbox will no longer be able to support any versions of Internet Explorer older than IE 9 as of April 8, 2014.

That means, if you run into issues using the administrative functions of Checkbox (anything other than survey taking) while using an unsupported browser, we may not be able to help you. We will also no longer be testing Checkbox in any version of IE earlier than IE 9. For these reasons and more, we strongly recommend that you update your browser to a supported version (IE 9+, latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari) as soon as possible.

What Does this Mean for Taking Surveys in Checkbox?

We will no longer be testing Checkbox survey taking functions in any version of IE prior to IE 9. If a user reports a catastrophic issue with survey taking in IE 8 (i.e. survey doesn't load, survey questions aren't appearing, survey won't advance, etc.), we will attempt to fix the issue according to our Terms of Support. However, as of April 8, 2014, we will no longer be able to address more minor issues in IE 8 (i.e. alignment, minor question display issues, etc.). The severity of the issue and recommended course of action will be left to the discretion of the Checkbox development team.


Please direct any questions to Checkbox Support by logging an online support ticket.

- The Checkbox Survey Team

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