Our development team is currently putting the finishing touches on a new update to Checkbox 5, which is expected to be available to Online and Server customers early in the day on Wednesday, June 13th. A sample of new features and resolved issues is available below. You will be alerted of exact release date/time information and any expected downtime shortly. A complete list of release notes will be available upon patch release. Please contact your account representative or Checkbox Support with any questions.
New Features:
- Survey Dashboard Revamp
We’ve streamlined the Survey Manager Dashboard by simplifying the Overview tab and consolidating permissions and response options within the Settings tab. On the Overview tab, a new survey response histogram offers a visual representation of collected survey responses over time. All activation options, including the “activate”/”deactivate” setting and activation date rage, have been grouped under the Survey Status view. Survey response options and limits have been moved from the Dashboard’s Overview tab to the “Permissions” view of the Settings tab. This new arrangement groups all permissions-related settings into a single view for easy access to survey permissions, response options, and response limits.
- Form Reset Option for Respondents
Form Reset is a new survey-level response option that allows respondents to clear all responses on a survey page. When enabled, a “Form Reset” button appears with the survey navigation buttons.
- Browser Detection of Languages
In response to customer feedback, a new Language Selection option is now available in the Languages menu of the Settings tab. When “Browser Detection” is selected as the desire user prompt Checkbox will automatically apply the appropriate available language (language must already be added to Supported Languages within Checkbox) based on the respondent’s browser language. If a respondent is using a browser language not supported by your account, you have the option to either set a default language, or prompt the respondent to select from a list of available languages.
Issues Resolved (sample list):
A complete list will be available upon patch release.
- Resolved time-out issues that would occur when importing surveys containing items with a large number of answer choices.
- Resolved time-out issues that would occur when exporting a high volume of survey responses.
- Page conditions should now carry over correctly when the survey is copied.
- Matrix Item row conditions should now carry over correctly when the survey is copied or imported.
- Merged text should now carry over correctly when the survey is copied or imported.
- Matrix Summary Items should no longer throw an error when running a report.
- Long report lists are now displayed on one or more pages in the “View All” report list in the Report Manager.
- …full list available upon patch release.
Please contact your account representative or Checkbox Support with any questions.