Checkbox Survey Version 5.4.6 Updates

A new update should be available for Checkbox Online and Server customers with access to Checkbox 5 on Tuesday, April 24. Version 5.4.6 resolves a number of issues, a full list of which is available below.

Checkbox 5 Online customers will be updated automatically. Server customers should be able to access the 5.4.6 update from the Products area of our customer support site later in the day on 4/24/12. Always back up your database before upgrading or patching. Please note that this update is eligible to all server customers with active support contracts. Customers with questions about the term of their support contracts or who would like to renew their support should email or call 866-430-8274 (Int’l 1-617-715-9605).

Issues Resolved:

  • Resolved a security issue with anonymous respondents
  • Resolved various issues pertaining to importing surveys
  • Resolved various issues pertaining to page and matrix conditions
  • Network users with proper access should now be able to administrator groups
  • Deleting a user from the universal search window should now remove that user from the database
  • Enabling the “N/A” option in a rating scale item should no longer prevent the item from being updated
  • Special characters (i.e. “<" or ">“) should now appear properly in drop down items
  • Saved Checkbox 4.7 report URLs should now work correctly after upgrading to Checkbox 5.x
  • Resolved various CSS and layout issues.

Before patching or upgrading to version 5.4.6 you MUST create a backup of your database.

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