Checkbox Survey Version 5.4.3 Update

We are pleased to let you know that the latest release of Checkbox Online, Version 5.4.3, is scheduled to be available tomorrow morning, Tuesday February 7th. The release notes for 5.4.3 can be found below.

If you are currently running Checkbox 5.4.2, your account is scheduled to be upgraded automatically between 6am and 9am EST. Each account takes an average of 2-3 minutes to upgrade. Please be aware, that if you attempt to create or edit a survey while your account is being upgraded, your changes may be lost.

The update for Server customers should be available later that same afternoon.

We will post a note in the Customer Messages section of your application if there are an changes to the schedule and when the upgrade is complete.

Thanks for your continued business!

 - The Checkbox Team

Version 5.4.3 Release Notes

Issues Resolved:

  • Resolved issue where network users were missing permissions for there assigned roles.
  • Resolved issue where piping values into email reminders would not properly pipe in the values.
  • Resolved issue where response scores were being doubled for matrix questions.
  • You can now successfully search for network users, and make changes to them within the search window.
  • Scoring messages should now successfully copy there text when the item is copied
  • Resolved issue where scoring messages would not save changes when updated.
  • You can now successfully import users with ASCII characters in there profile properties (If you have ASCII selected)Matrix Slider item should now properly display its current score when taking a survey.
  • Email Response Items now have the option of showing question numbers.
  • Resolved several CSS issues
  • Resolved several validation errors with the web services
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