Checkbox Survey Software Announces Global Hosting

Checkbox Survey Solutions is pleased to announce that it has added cloud computing data centers in Ireland and Singapore and physical servers in Canada to its network of data centers for Checkbox Online. The addition of these data centers will allow customers who purchase Checkbox Online, Checkbox’s fully hosted Software as a Service (SaaS) product, to choose their hosting location at the time of purchase.

Adding regional hosting options will have a number of benefits for Checkbox Online customers. European, Asia, Canadian, or Australian customers who choose to host their application closer to their users’ physical location should see an improvement in the response time of their application. Pages should load more quickly, items will save faster, surveys will progress more quickly, etc. Checkbox Online customers will also now be able to choose from a number of region-specific sub-domains for their surveys, including,, and more. This will allow companies to brand their domains by region or global companies to have multiple domains if they are running surveys on several continents.

Another benefit of adding global hosting locations is that European and Canadian organizations that are restricted from hosting data in the United States due to the US Patriot Act will now have another survey software option. For European and Canadian organizations whose nations’ policies dictate that they host their data locally, survey software options are limited. Checkbox Survey boasts a long list of advanced features, a powerful user management module that allows for permissions-based sharing across departments and organizations, and many security settings not found in competitive products. By adding global hosting to its growing list of features, Checkbox is able to give another option to European, Asian, Canadian, and global organizations that are looking for an enterprise level survey and feedback tool.

Global hosting and regional sub-domains are available to both new and existing Checkbox Online customers. New customers or Checkbox trial users will be able to choose their hosting location and sub-domain when they initially set up their account. Existing Checkbox customers who wish to migrate their hosting accounts to a data center outside the U.S. may do so, but will be charged a nominal migration fee. There is, however, no additional charge for hosting outside the United States; customers will pay the same monthly or annual account fee regardless of where they choose to host their data.

For more information on Checkbox Survey’s new global hosting, please visit or contact a member of the Checkbox sales team at or 866-430-8274 (Int’l 1-617-715-9605).


About Checkbox Survey Solutions:
The Checkbox Survey team is made up of people from all different backgrounds who all have one thing in common - we are passionate about creating a product that we know helps our customers work more efficiently and effectively. Since 2002, we've been developing professional survey software and feedback tools that help our customers gather the data they need to make smart decisions. 

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