Checkbox 4.6.2 Released

Checkbox Survey Solutions is pleased to announce the “mini-release” of Checkbox version 4.6.2.  This latest version of Checkbox includes many updates and fixes specifically requested by our customer base. We love to hear from you – keep the suggestions coming! Updates include:

  • Answers to open-ended questions can now be included in Native SPSS and SPSS‐compatible CSV exports.
  • Survey questions and option texts included as Variable and Value Labels in Native SPSS export.
  • Improved export performance for large surveys and result sets by writing data to temporary file beforedownload.
  • Allows downloads of all parts of split response data export as a single .zip file. 

The version 4.6.2 update is currently available for server customers by logging into the Checkbox customer area. Online customers were updated on Saturday June 27, 2009.

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