Changes to Report Security in Checkbox 4.6

In Checkbox 4.6 folders have been added to the Report Manager page.  Folders add an additional layer of security and as a result some reports may no longer be visible.  Please note that reports themselves have not been altered in any way.  To resolve this issue you will need to update folder Access Control Lists and grant Report Administrators the permissions to view the folder’s contents.

How to edit a folder’s ACL:

  • Navigate to the Survey Manager
  • Find the folder you would like to edit and open it.
  • Click on the Security icon (it looks like a pad lock).
  • a) If you would like to grant access to a specific user or group add them to the ACL and grant the “View Folders and Folder Contents” permission.
  • b) If you would prefer that everyone is allowed to view the contents of the folder click the “Edit Default Policy” button and select the “View Folders and Folder Contents” permission.


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